[2024] Benchmarking Mission of the National Planning Commission (NPC) of Namibia in the Republic of Korea

星期二, 02 April 2024 - 9:00am to 星期五, 05 April 2024 - 5:00pm


CONCEPT NOTE AND AGENDA (updated as of 5 April 2024)



The National Planning Commission (NPC) of Namibia is undertaking its new development planning process for the Sixth National Development Plan (NDP6). Having concluded the Fifth National Development Plan (NDP 5) spanning the period from 2016 to 2022, the NPC is currently engaged in formulating its NDP 6 to cover the forthcoming years from 2025 to 2031. The NDP 6 is envisioned to be the last medium-term development plan aligning with Namibia’s Vision 2030 and UN 2030 Agenda and will serve as the foundation for implementing the regional Agenda 2063.

According to its mid-term review of Vision 2030, many strides have been made in socio-economic development aspect of the try, especially in areas of governance, macroeconomic, and environmental management. However, persistent challenges, such as subdued economic growth, high levels of unemployment, poverty, inequality, underscore the need for targeted interventions. Recognizing the existing gaps in capacity and knowledge, the Namibian government has requested through its Permanent Mission to the United Nations, a benchmarking mission to the Republic of Korea to better formulate the NDP6.

Having successfully navigated a transformative journey from a low-income to a high-income economy, Korea is viewed as a well-known case study for substantial poverty reduction in development. Korea’s emergence as a global leader in innovation and technology has been coupled with its recent policy emphasis on green growth and the Green New Deal. It is the first OECD country to have created a national green growth strategy with a focus on low-carbon and climate-neutral pathways. Leveraging Korea’s experiences in socio-economic development, digital government, and sustainability holds a significant opportunity to exchange lessons learned for Namibia’s context.

In response to Namibia’s request for a benchmarking mission, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) has followed up through its United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) to support the formulation of the Sixth National Development Plan (NDP 6) and the planning process. UNOSD under UNDESA, is facilitating the organization of the benchmarking mission for twenty nominated public officials from Namibia. This program is scheduled to take place in person from April 2-5, 2024, in the Republic of Korea. This program aims to enhance Namibia's knowledge and capacity for evidence-based and results-oriented planning, addressing Namibia’s expressed challenges and priorities.



  • Explore Korea’s development history in transforming from a low-income to a high-income economy, emphasizing green growth strategies towards carbon neutrality in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • Learn how Korea has effectively coordinated the national-to-local governance and decentralization policy with a focus on the experiences of Seoul Metropolitan City;
  • Provide a dialogue platform to share knowledge, good practices, and lessons learned between both national governments, in addressing nation-wide challenges through development planning approaches;
  • Enhance knowledge in applying digital government as a way to improve governance and M&E process in line with the SDGs;
  • Analyze the takeaways from Korea's development journey and national planning process to compare and contrast lessons learned for Namibia’s unique context



The Benchmarking Mission is organized by the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) of the Division for Sustainable Development Goals under the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs with the support of the Korean Association for Public Administration and Yonsei University.


Programme and Agenda


Day 1 (2 April 2024)

Guided exhibition at the Global Knowledge Exchange & Development Center (GKEDC)

*GKEDC is an open space for learning and exchanging konwledge on Korea's socio-economic development experiences

An Overview of the Economic Development of South Korea

  • Mr. Choong Lyol Lee, Professor of Division of Economics and Statistics, Korea University

From Green Growth to Carbon Neutrality: Learning from the Experience of the Republic of Korea

  • Mr. Arnaud Debauge, Policy Specialist, Green Recovery and Transition, UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC)
  • Mr. Minhyuk Hong, Policy Analyst on Green Development, USPC

Direction and Major Policies for Municipal Administration Operation in Seoul Metropolitan City

  • Mr. Jong Soo Kim, Director-General of Policy Planning, Seoul Metropolitan City Government


Day 2 (3 April 2024)

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - Agricultural Policies of Korea: Achievements, Challenges, and Way Forward

  • Mr. Yong Ho Jung, Director/PhD, General Division of International Cooperation

Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade - Industrial Development in Korea and Implication to Namibia

  • Mr. Dong Soo Kim, Executive Director, Center for International Industry and Trade

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport - National Housing and Urban Fund: For the Promotion of Housing Welfare and Revitalization of Urban Regeneration

  • Mr. June Nyeong Choi, Deputy Director, Housing Fund Division, Office of Housing and Land


Day 3 (4 April 2024)

Ministry of Science and ICT - Digital Policy Vision and Strategy for Leading Digital Korea

  • Mr. Kang Yong Lee, Head of Team, Digital Strategy Team, ICT Policy Bureau

Strengthening Capacities for Digital Government Transformation

Human Centric Digitalization in Public Sector

  • Mr. Kiyoung, Ko, Director of Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT)/UN ESCAP


Day 4 (5 April 2024)

Group session on identifying next steps for effective development planning

  • Mr. Samuel Y. Pang, Professor of College of Theology/ United Graduate School of Theology & Director of Institute of African Studies

Key takeaways for Namibia’s 6th National Development Plan

  • Mr. Samuel Y. Pang, Professor of College of Theology/ United Graduate School of Theology & Director of Institute of African Studies

Concluding Remarks

  • Mr. Chun Kyoo Park, Head of Office, UNOSD