[2019] Workshop on Using SDG 6 Policy Support System (SDG-PSS) to facilitate countries in Africa and Middle East for water-related sustainable development

United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) organize a workshop on "Using SDG 6 Policy Support System (SDG-PSS) to facilitate countries in Africa and Middle East for water-related sustainable development" to be held in Tunis, Tunisia from July 3 to 4, 2019.
From 2016 to 2018, UNOSD and the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Korea (MOE) and the Korea Environment Corporation (K-eco) investigated options to support policy and decision making to achieve SDG 6 under data-poor conditions. During the first phase of the SDG-PSS, the partners - Tunisia, Ghana, Pakistan, Costa Rica and the Republic of Korea developed a system to enable cross-sectorial evidence-based collaboration between experts and decision makers to promote the strengthening of the enabling environment of SDG 6. The system, which is the SDG 6 Policy Support System (SDG-PSS), is a web-based tool to help navigate limited data conditions, relying on trends, information and broader estimates. Through this system, policymakers, scientists and development actors are empowered to gather the critical information, evidence and data to define and develop national policies to address water-related issues.
The regional workshop in Tunisia aims to extend the use of SDG-PSS in countries in Africa and Middle East through broader cooperation and continuous learning resulting in further refinement of the SDG-PSS. The workshop is expected to enhance national capacities by showcasing ways of utilizing SDG-PSS as a tool of empowering government officers and water experts in making policies in particular Africa and Middle East region. During the workshop, sessions and discussions will be organized for project champions to present and share their experiences and lessons learned from the first phase of the SDG-PDD. International water-related organizations will be also mobilized to share their knowledge and initiatives for advancing the SDG 6.Participants from Africa and Middle East region will be engaged in extensive discussions on how to use SDG-PSS to support evidence-based policymaking around SDG 6.
Concept Note (Updated as of July 08, 2019)
Agenda (Updated as of July 08, 2019)
Formal Opening
Moderator: Mr. Hamadi Habaieb (Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries)
- H.E. Lila Pieters (United Nations System Resident Coordinator)
- H.E. Cho Koo Rae (Ambassador of Republic of Korea to Tunisia)
- Ms. Eunhae Jeong (UN Office for Sustainable Development)
- Mr. Ick Hoon Choi (Korea Environment Corporation)
- Mr. Manzoor Qadir (UN University Institute for Water, Environment and Health)
- H.E. Boubaker Karrav (Head of cabinet, Ministry of Agricultre, Water Resources and Fishing)
Day 1 (July 3, 2019)
Session 1: Global efforts in monitoring SDG 6
Moderator: Mr. Hyungjae Yang (Advisor on Water Resources Management, Ministry of Equipment Housing and Territory Planning
- "Integrated Monitoring of SDG 6" - Mr. William Reidhead (UN-Water)
Session 2: Status of SDG 6 achievement in Africa and Middle East region
Moderator: Mr. Okhyun Yang (UN Office for Sustainable Development)
- "Status of SDG 6 Achievement in Africa" - Ms. Birguy Lamizana and Mr. Riccardo Zennaro (UN Environment)
- "Status of SDG 6 achievement in MENA: Challenges and Opportunites" - Mr. Aymen Frija (International Center for Agricultre Research in the Dry Areas)
Session 3: Tunisian experience and Status of SDG 6 achievement in Tunisia
Moderator: Mr. Abdelhalim Gasmi (DG/EDA, Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries)
Presentation on the Agenda 2030 achievement in Tunisia: SDG 6 as an example
- "ACCÉLÉRER LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE L’AGENDA 2030 EN TUNISIE" - Ms. Jihene Touil (Team Leader, Climate and Environment, UNDP)
- "Processus de mise en œuvre des ODD, Alignement, Intégration et Progrès" - Mr. Ouasli Abderrahman (Project Co-coordinator, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries)
- "L’initiative régionale sur la rareté de l’eau" - Mr. Abderrahman Maki (Land and Water Officer, FAO)
- "Gestion pluriannuelle des épisodes de crue et de séchresse dans le nord de la Tunisie Par référence aux années 2016-17-18" - Mr. Hamadi Habaieb (General Director, Planning and Hydraulic Equilibrium Bureau)
Day 2 (July 4, 2019)
Session 4: Using SDG0PSS to support evidence-based policymaking around SDG 6
Moderator: Mr. Manzoor Qadir (United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health)
- "SDG 6 Policy Support System" - Ms. Eunhae Jeong (UN Office for Sustainable Development) and Mr. Guillaume Baggio (United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health)
Session 5: Use of SDG-PSS in regional hub countries
Moderator: Ms. Jihene Touil (UNDP)
- (Tunisia) "Implementation du SDG en Tunisie: Methodologie, Lecons Apprises et Defis" - Ms. Olfa Mahjoub (INRGREF)
- (Republic of Korea) "Use of SDG-PSS in Republic of Korea" - Mr. Yongjae Choi (Korea Environment Corporation)
Session 6: Feedback on SDG-PSS from participating countries from the region
Moderator: Ms. Birguy Lamizana (UN Environment)
- Egypt
- Jordan
- Saudi Arabia
- Morocco
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Madagascar
- Mozambique
- Kuwait
- Bahrain
Session 7: Building regional cooperation around SDG 6 and SDG-PSS
Moderator: Ms. Eunhae Jeong (UN Office for Sustainable Development)
Formal Closing
Moderator: Mr. Hamed Daly (National Observation for Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries)
- Mr. El Kebir Mdarhri Alaoui (Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP Tunisia)
- Ms. Eunhae Jeong (UN Office for Sustainble Development)
- Mr. Ick Hoon Choi (Korea Environment Corporation)
- Mr. Manzoor Qadir (United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health)
- Mr. Abdallah Rabhi (Secretary of State charged of Water Resources and Fisheries)
You may find workshop photos here.