[2016] Sustainable Development Transition Forum

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 - 10:00pm to Friday, 28 October 2016 - 6:00am

Formal Opening

Opening Remarks

  • “Leaving no one behind” Mr. Friedrich Soltau (Division for Sustainable Development, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs)


Day 1 (October 25, 2016)

Session 1: Adapting the SDGs to the National Context - Early Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned

Moderator: “Adapting the SDGs to the National Context – Early Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned”Ms. Ella Antonio (Brain Trust Inc.)



Session 2

Moderator: “Multi-stakeholder Approaches and Partnerships”Mr. Farooq Ullah (Executive Director Stakeholder Forum)



Day 2 (October 26, 2016)

Session 3: SDG Inter-linkages and Policy Coherence

<Part A>

Moderator: “SDG Inter-linkages & Policy Coherence”Dr. Louis Meuleman (University of Leuven)



<Part B>

Moderator: “An integrated approach for implementation of the SDGs and biodiversity MEAs”Ms. Thérèse N. Yarde (Caribbean Community Secretariat, Guyana)



Session 4

Moderator: "Monitoring, Follow-up and Review"Dr. Marianne Beisheim (German Institute for International and Security Affairs)



Day 3 (October 27, 2016)



Formal Closing

Closing Reflections and Remarks

  • Ms. Grazyna Pulawska (Project Executive, Asia-Europe Foundation)
  • Mr. Jongsoo Yoon (Head, United Nations Office for Sustainable Development)