[2016] Sustainable Development Transition Forum

Formal Opening
Opening Remarks
- “Leaving no one behind” - Mr. Friedrich Soltau (Division for Sustainable Development, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs)
Day 1 (October 25, 2016)
Session 1: Adapting the SDGs to the National Context - Early Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned
Moderator: “Adapting the SDGs to the National Context – Early Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned” - Ms. Ella Antonio (Brain Trust Inc.)
- “Mainstreaming the 2030 Agenda Country Examples from the UNDG Mainstreaming Reference Guide and SDGs Are Coming to Life Publication” - Mr. Darron Swanson (Novel Futures and Associate, IISD)
- “Country Case on Belize- Adapting the SDGs to the National Context – Early Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned” - Mr. Wiezsman Pat (Director, Sustainable Development Unit, Government of Belize)
- “Adapting SDGs to national contexts: case of Kazakhstan” - Mr. Arman Baissuanov (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kazakhstan)
Session 2
Moderator: “Multi-stakeholder Approaches and Partnerships” - Mr. Farooq Ullah (Executive Director Stakeholder Forum)
- “Capacity Building for the SDGs in Asia Insights into National Preparedness for SDG Implementation” - Ms. Grazyna Pulawska (Asia-Europe Foundation)
Day 2 (October 26, 2016)
Session 3: SDG Inter-linkages and Policy Coherence
<Part A>
Moderator: “SDG Inter-linkages & Policy Coherence” - Dr. Louis Meuleman (University of Leuven)
- “SDG interlinkages and Policy coherence: Institutional linkages - Uganda’s experience” - Ms. Sheila Lwamafa (Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda)
- “The Sustainable Development Goals and their Adaptation to Cambodia Context: Institutional Mechanism and Policy Coherence” - Mr. Bunnak Poch (Under Secretary of State, State Ministry of Planning, Cambodia)
- “Equipping Public Institutions for Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” Mr. Keping Yao (UN Project Office of Governance, UNDESA)
<Part B>
Moderator: “An integrated approach for implementation of the SDGs and biodiversity MEAs” - Ms. Thérèse N. Yarde (Caribbean Community Secretariat, Guyana)
- “Threshold 21 - i SDG Model” - Dr. Matteo Pedercini (Millenium Institute)
- “Theory of Change & Theory of Change Online (TOCO)” - Mr. Zabi Rahat (ActKnowledge)
Session 4
Moderator: "Monitoring, Follow-up and Review" - Dr. Marianne Beisheim (German Institute for International and Security Affairs)
- “Voluntary national reviews” - Mr. Friedrich Soltau (Division for Sustainable Development, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs)
- “Country Case – Mexico” - Mr. Adolfo Ayuso Audry (Office of President, Mexico)
- “Adapting SDGs to Vietnam: Monitoring and reviewing” - Ms. Nguyen Le Thuy (Deputy Director General of DSENRE, Deputy Head of Sustainable Development Office, Ministry of Planning and Investment)
- “SDG Index & Dashboards – a global report” - Dr. Katerina Teksoz (Senior Economist, UNSDSN)
Day 3 (October 27, 2016)
- “The 18th SDG. Sustainable Development in a Changing World: A Changing Perspective on Sustainability” - Dr. Guenther Bachmann (Secretary General, German Council for Sustainable Development)
- “Foresight Exercise” Mr. Darren Swanson (Novel Futures and Associate, IISD)
Formal Closing
Closing Reflections and Remarks
- Ms. Grazyna Pulawska (Project Executive, Asia-Europe Foundation)
- Mr. Jongsoo Yoon (Head, United Nations Office for Sustainable Development)