[2018] Sustainable Development Transition Forum

Monday, 29 October 2018 - 10:00pm to Thursday, 01 November 2018 - 6:00am


The Sustainable Development Transition Forum aims at establishing an interface between the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) and the different sate and non-state actors and stakeholders involved on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Every year the Sustainable Development Transition Forum focuses on the overarching themes of the more recent and forthcoming HLPF and the particular SDGs under in-depth review, without losing sight of the integrated and indivisible nature of the SDGs. It also looks at cross-cutting issues which have a bearing on the achievement of most if not all of the goals, like poverty eradication, gender equality, tackling climate change and promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and production.

In 2019 the HLPF will have completed a full cycle of thematic reviews of the 17 goals, and next year, in addition to the HLPF meeting under the auspices of ECOSOC, there will be another meeting of the HLPF under the auspices of the General Assembly.

In light of the opportunity afforded by next year's two-pronged HLPF -once under ECOSOC and once under the GA- the 2018 SDTF will devote consideration to the themes of the 2018 and 2019 HLPF under ECOSOC and the SDGs under review, as done normally every year, but it will also look at progress on the 2030 Agenda as an integrated whole and the SDGs as a set of interrelated goals and targets aimed at securing a sustainable development transition. Moreover, it will take the opportunity to reflect on the institutional architecture overseeing this global agenda and the global goals, with a view to providing guidance to UN Member States and other stakeholders as they ponder the question of how to make the HLPF and the broader institutional architecture more effective in supporting attainment of the SDGs.

This year's SDTF seeks to foster an open dialogue on what we have learned in the first four years of implementing the SDGs, both at the country level and at the international level, particularly with regard to the role of the HLPF. It will provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas among participants on how to accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the coming years and how, specifically, to enhance the role of the HLPF in the follow-up and review of progress and in advancing national level implementation.

The 2018 SDTF will be held at the Holiday Inn Incheon Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea from 29-31 October 2018.

The event will accommodate approximately about 100 participants from governments, UN agencies, think tanks, development banks, academic institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector from around the world. The 2018 Incheon Communique summarizing the key messages that participants would like to convey to the international community in preparation for next year's HLPF will one of the main outputs of the 2018 SDTF.

※The Forum is organized by the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) of UN DESA, Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG) in partnership with the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).



2018 SDTF Concept Note (Updated on 18 September 2018)

2018 SDTF Agenda (Updated on 26 October 2018)


Formal Opening

Welcome and Opening Reflections

  • Dr. Jean D'Aragon (Senior Sustainable Development Expert, UNOSD)
  • Dr. Jong Soo Yoon (Head of Office, UNOSD)
  • Ms. Grazyna Pulawska (Project Manager, Asia-Europe Foundation)

Settiing the Stage

Dr. Jean D'Aragon and Dr. David O'Connor (Consultant, UNOSD)

Guest Keynote

  • Video Presentation on The UN We Need to Support the 2030 Agenda
  • H.E. Ms. Amina J. Mohammed (Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations)


"The HLPF We Need to Support the 2030 Agenda" - Dr. Guenther Bachmann (Secretary General, German Council for Sustainable Development)


Day 1 (October 29, 2018)

Session 1: How can HLPF provide the most useful policy guidance for SDG implementation?

Introductory Remarks and Facilitator:

Mr. Javier Surasky (Governance Research Coordinator, Centro de Pensamiento Estratégico Internacional, Columbia)

Keynote: Video Presentation

Ms. Marion Barthelemy (Director, Office of Intergovernmental Support and Coordination for Sustainable Development, UN DESA) 


  • Dr. Patrick Paul Walsh (Professor of International Development Studies, University College Dublin) 
  • "How Can the HLPF Provide Useful Policy Guidance?" - Mr. Mark Elder (Director of Research and Publications, Institute for Global Environment Strategies)


Session 2: How can the HLPF's thematic reviews be enhanced?

Opening Remarks and Facilitator:

Ambassador David Donoghue (Distinguished Fellow, Overseas Development Institute)

Roundtable Discussion:


Session 3: Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) -What have we learned? How to enhance impact moving forward?

Opening Remarks and Facilitator:

"VNRs- What have we learned, How to enhance impact moving forward" - Ms. Irena Zubcevic (Chief of Branch Office of Intergovernmental Support and Coordination, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs)

Roundtable Discussion:

  • Dr. Sugath Yalegama (Additional Secretary, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Wildlife and Regional Development, Rajagiriya, Colombo) 
  • Mr. Michael Muthara Mwangi (Senior Economist, The National Treasury and Planning, Government of Kenya
  • Ms. Kleina Kasanai (Adviser, Prime Minister’s Office, Albania)
  • Mr. Marcellin Zohoun (Departmental Director, Ministry of Planning and Development, Benin)
  • Ms. Sonya Indira Roopnauth (Director, Ministry of Finance, Guyana)
  • Ms. Selcen Altinsoy (Strategy and Budget Expert, Turkish Presidency Strategy and Budget Office) 
  • Mr. Javier Surasky (Governance Research Coordinator, Centro de Pensamiento Estratégico Internacional, Colombia)

Questions for Discussion Session 3

Mr. Michael Muthara Mwangi (Senior Economist, The National Treasury and Planning, Government of Kenya)


Day 2 (October 30, 2018)

Session 4: Public Institutions at National and Local Level: How ready are they to implement the 2030 Agenda?

Introduction to Citypreneurs:

Opening Remarks and Facilitator: 

Ms. Grazyna Pulawska (Project Manager, Asia-Europe Foundation)

Opening Speaker

  • "Preparedness of governments to implement the SDGs" - Dr. David Le Blanc (Chief, Institutions for the Sustainable Development Goals Branch, Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government, UN DESA)
  • Dr. Louis Meuleman (Vice-Chair of the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration; Public Governance Institute, University of Leuven, Belgium)

Roundtable Discussion:

Questions for Discussion Session 4

Ms. Grazyna Pulawska (Project Manager, Asia-Europe Foundation)


Session 5: Towards Strong and Active Stakeholder Engagement at the Global Level

Opening Remarks and Facilitator:

"Towards Strong and Active Stakeholder Engagement at the Global Level" - Mr. Jan-Gustav Strandenaes (Senior Adviser, Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future)

Roundtable Discussion:

  • (Green Energy) "WeavAir-Proactive Air Insights" - Ms. Nataliya Mykhaylova (CEO, WeavAi)
  • (Social Protection) "The largest V2X data company: ALT ERNATIVE A" - Mr. Taewoo Lee (CEO, ALT.A Inc)
  • Ms. Youngsook Cho (Chair of International Solidarity Centre, Korea Women's Associations United)
  • Mr. Fabrice Adelphe Balou (President, Plateforme des Organisations de Jeunes de Toulepleu, Ivory Coast)
  • Dr. Samson Kassahun Belachew (Professor, Urban Planning and Development, Ethiopia Civil Service University)
  • Mr. Murali Padmanabhan (Disability Inclusion Adviser, Light for the World)
  • Mr. Oliver Henman (Global Coordinator, Action for Sustainable Development)

Questions for Discussion (Session 5)

Mr. Fabrice Adelphe Balou (President, Plateforme des Organisations de Jeunes de Toulepleu, Ivory Coast)


Session 6: Data, Indicators, and Science for Tracking Progress on the SDGs

Introduction to Citypreneurs:

  • "dot" - Ms. Ji Min Ryu (Global Partnerships Manager, Dot Incorporation)
  • "Nice Visions" - Mr. Igor Zacek (Executive Partner, Nice Visions s.r.o.) 

Opening Remarks and Facilitator:

"Data, Indacators and Sciece for Tracking Progress on the SDGs" - Ms. Vibeke Oestreich Nielsen (Inter-Regional Adviser, Statistics Division, UNDESA)

Roundtable Discussion:

  • Dr. Parfait Eloundou-Enyegue (Professor, Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University)
  • Dr. Patrick Paul Walsh (Professor of International Development Studies, University College Dublin)
  • Ms. Nobuko Kajiura (Sustainable Development Officer, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office)
  • Mr. Simon Olsen (Sustainability Governance Centre, IGES)


Session 7: Mobilising awareness and action to make the SDGs work

Opening Remarks and Facilitator:

Dr. Ingeborg Niestroy (SDG Watch Europe and EU Multi-stakeholder platform for Agenda 2030) 

Opening Speaker: 

"Mobilizing awareness of Sustainable Development Goals" - Dr. Parfait Eloundou-Enyegue (Professor, Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University)


  • Mr. Oliver Henman (Global Coordinator, Action for Sustainable Development) 
  • Ms. Elisabeth Hege (Research Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations) 
  • Ms. Youngsook Cho (Chair of International Solidarity Centre, Korea Women's Associations United)
  • Ms. Laurence Kwark (General Secretary, Global Social Economy Forum) 
  • "Startup Together, a Senior Advisory Service for Startups & SMEs" - Mr. Han Sang Jo (CEO, Startuptogether)


Session 8: Means of implementation and partnerships for SDG achievement: What more needs to be done by whom?

Opening Remarks and Facilitator:

"Strengthening the Means of Implementation for the Sustainable Development Goals" Dr. Mark Elder (Director of Research and Publications Institute for Global Environment Strategies, Japan)

Roundtable Discussion:

  • Ms. Sarah Sabin Khan (Senior Research Associate, Centre for Policy Dialogue)
  • Mr. Kilaparti Ramakrishna (Head of Strategic Planning, Green Climate Fund)
  • Mr. Patrick Seitiso (Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Botswana)
  • Mr. Martin Garcia Acuna (Head, Public-Private Cooperation, Social Development Ministry, Chile)
  • Mr. Mohammed Al-Assaf (Head of Division, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Jordan)
  • Mr. Keping Yao (Governance and Public Administration Expert, United Nations Project Office on Governance)


Day 3 (October 31, 2018)

Session 9: Making the HLPF Fit for Purpose- What is needed?

Opening Remarks and Facilitator:

Dr. Guenther Bachmann (Secretary General, German Council for Sustainable Development) 

Roundtable Discussion:

  • Ms. Sarah Sabin Khan (Senior Research Associate, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)) & Mr. Malick Diop (Coordinator, Non-State Stakeholders Platform, Senegal)
  • Ms. Caroline Zimm (Research Assistant, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA))
  • "Making HLPF fit for purpose" - Mr. Jan-Gustav Strandenaes (Senior Adviser, Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future)
  • Ms. Irena Zubcevic (Chief of Branch Office of Intergovernmental Support and Coordination, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs)


Formal Closing

Closing Keynote on A Vision for the HLPF and Multi-Level Follow-up and Review to 2030-Maximizing Contribution to Achieving SDGs:

Ambassador David Donoghue (Distinguished Fellow, Overseas Development Institute) 

Presentation of 2018 Incheon Communiqué:

Dr. Jean D’Aragon (Senior Sustainable Development Expert, UNOSD)

Closing Reflections and Remarks: 

  • Ms. Grazyna Pulawska (Project Manage, Asia-Europe Foundation)
  • Dr. Jong Soo Yoon (Head of Office, UNOSD)
  • Ms. Irena Zubcevic (Chief of Branch Office of Intergovernmental Support and Coordination, UN DESA)


2018 SDTF List of Participants

2018 SDTF Information Note (Updated on 28 September 2018)

SDTF Report (Updated as of 30 November 2018)

Incheon Communique

Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).



You can find meeting pictures here.