[2016] Seminar on Supporting Sustainable Development Goal 7, Target 7.1

Tuesday, 21 June 2016 - 10:00pm to Friday, 24 June 2016 - 6:00am
Day 1 (June 21, 2016)
Session 1
- “Progress toward sustainable energy - Global Tracking Framework 2015” - Ms. Vivien Foster (Global Lead, Energy Economics, Markets and Institutions, World Bank)
- “Global Monitoring of Household Energy, Air Pollution and Health Impacts” - Ms. Heather Adair-Rohani (Technical Officer, World Health Organization)
- “Implementing SDG 7” - Mr. Martin Niemetz (Policy Analysis Officer, SE4All)
- "Implementing SDG 7 and Achieving Target 7.1 - Cambodia” - Mr. Chhe Lidin (Director, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Mines and Energy)
- “The Perspective of Uganda” - Mr. Peter Opio (Director, Uganda Bureau of Statistics)
Session 2
- "Renewable Energy Technology for Rural and Remote/Island Areas" - Mr. Yong Chen (Regional Program Officer, IRENA)
- “Mainstreaming appropriate green technologies for improving rural livelihood of rural communities in ESCWA region”- Ms. Radia Sedaoui (Chief, Energy Section, ESCWA)
- “Energising Development (EnDev) Lessons learned to facilitate access to modern energy services in rural areas in Asia” - Mr. Jan Söhlemann (GIZ Bangladesh)
- “Clean, Affordable and User-friendly Cooking Energy based on Biomass Fuels: Experiences from India” - Ms. Priyadarshini Karve (Managing Director, Samuchit Enviro Tech)
- “Off-grid PV systems, Technologies and Innovations for rural area electrification (experience in case of Ethiopia)” - Mr. Yonas Workie Cherenet (Managing Director, Suntransfer Tech)
- “Off-grid Renewable Energy Access in Bhutan” - Ms. Dawa Chhoedron (Executive Engineer, Department of Renewable Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bhutan)
- “Off-grid electricity supply case study of using renewable energy systems in rural towns of Mongolia” - Mr. Khishigt Tamir (Member of the Management Committee, Mongolia Energy Engineer's Association)
Day 2 (June 22, 2016)
Session 3
- “Enabling Factors and Policies Supporting Access to Affordable, Reliable and Modern Energy Services” - Mr. Kohji Iwakami (Economic Affairs Officer, Energy Section, ESCAP)
- “Scaling clean cooking to achieve SDG7” - Mr. Jichong Wu (Country Manager for China, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves)
- “Renewable Energy and Energy Access: India Perspective” - Mr. Gautam Wahi (Deputy Secretary, Investments and Technology Promotion & Energy Security, Ministry of External Affairs)
- “Enabling factors and policies supporting access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services – Nepal Experience on Promotion of RE Technologies” - Mr. Mukesh Ghimire (Senior Officer, Program Manager, AEPC)
- “Access to Sustainable Electricity, enabling factors to formulate appropriate policies and regulator framework” - Ms. Parimita Mohanty (Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, UNEP)
- “Providing General Energy Service with Solar PV in China” - Mr. Zhongying Wang (Deputy Director General, Energy Research Institute of NDRC, China)
- “Electricity Access in Lao PDR” - Mr. Litthanoulok Laspho (Director, Energy Policy Division,_Department of Energy Policy and Planning,_Ministry of Energy and Mines)
- “Policy in Power Sector - Indonesia” - Mr. Artody Nurgropho Jati (Energy Policy Analyst, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia)
- “By 2030 Ensure Universal Access to Affordable, Reliable and Modern Energy Services – Country case Thailand” - Mr. Jesus T. Tamang (Director, Energy Policy and Planning Bureau, UNCC, Thailand)
- “Country Case – Sri Lanka” - Mr. Hetti Arachige Kithsiri Ruwan Tissera (Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Power and Renewable Energy)
Session 4
- “Financing energy access” - Dr. Martin Niemetz (Policy Analysis Officer, Sustainable Energy for All)
- “Financing Energy Access” - Mr. Elmar Elbling (Access to Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank)
- “Access finance, access investment model” - Ms. Vivien Foster (Global Lead, Energy Economics, Markets and Institutions, World Bank)
- “Sustainable Energy Development – Country Case Bangladesh” - Mr. Mohammad Hossain (Director General, Power Cell, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Bangladesh)
- “Myanmar: Towards Universal Access to Electricity by 2030” - Mr. Xiaoping Wang (ESMAP, World Bank) and Maung Win, (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Myanmar)
- “Enabling Energy Access Throughout the UNECE Region” - Mr. Scott Foster (Director of the Sustainable Energy Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)
Day 3 (June 23, 2016)
Discussion and Closing remarks
Mr. Ivan Vera (UN-Energy Secretary, UN DESA)
Mr. Alberto E. Isgut (Economic Affairs Officer, Macroeconomic Policy and Financing for Development Division, UN ESCAP)
Ms. Radia Sedaoui (Chief, Energy Section, Sustainable Development Policies Division, UN ESCWA)
Ms. Heather Adair-Rohani (Technical Officer, WHO)
Mr. Avi Sarkar (Regional Adviser, South-East Asia, Urban Basic Services Branch, UN-Habitat)