[2024] 2024 Sustainable Development Goals Youth Summer Camp

Martes, 20 August 2024 - 9:00am to Viernes, 23 August 2024 - 5:00pm


Concept Note and Agenda (updated as of 15 August 2024)

2024 Summer Camp Synthesis Report



Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the global community has made considerable efforts towards achieving a future fair for all. However, at the SDG Summit in September 2030, it was acknowledged that the achievement of the SDGs is in peril, with progress moving too slowly or has regressed below the 2015 baseline, as outlined by the SDG Progress Report of the UN Secretary General.

As stated in the Political Declaration of the High Level Political Forum (A/RES/78/1) the 2030 Agenda remains the world’s commitment to the children and youth of today. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has previously stressed young people hold the key to creative solutions, and as digital natives, they can drive innovation and accelerate progress. Youth across the world are actively striving to further advance their knowledge, skills, and mindsets to achieve the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Acknowledging the role of youth in the implementation of SDGs, the UN has served as a supporting platform for young people through which their engagement in sustainable development can be advanced. “Youth 2030: The United Nations Youth Strategy” was launched in 2018 to ensure youth’s involvement in the implementation, review, and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda. In addition, a global youth event named “ECOSOC Youth Forum” has been organized to share creative ideas and innovative solutions to global problems. The UN’s commitment to youth has deepened further with the announcement of Felipe Paullier as the first Assistant Secretary-General for Youth Affairs in October 2023 as well as the Summit for the Future which will take place on 22 – 23 September 2024.

In this context, UNOSD has been implementing a youth capacity building programme for sustainable development since the office’s inception over a decade ago. With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, UNOSD began organizing the “SDGs Youth Summer Camp” annually to empower youth leaders to think critically and get engaged in implementing the SDGs. Since its first summer camp in 2017, UNOSD has trained over 250 youth.

This year, the SDGs Youth Summer Camp focuses on the plastics pollution crisis. Globally, one million plastic bottles are purchased every minute and up to five trillion plastic bags are used worldwide every year, but of the seven billion tonnes of plastic waste generated, less than 10 per cent has been recycled. Plastics are ubiquitous in the environment, and microplastics have been found in human organs and are associated with serious health issues. The international community has taken steps to resolve this issue with initiatives such as the Clean Seas campaign, the Global Partnership on Marine Litter, New Plastics Economy Global Commitment and the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative. In March 2022, a resolution was adopted to develop an internationally binding instrument on plastic pollution. Four sessions of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) have been held thus far, with the fifth session (INC-5) scheduled for 25 November to 1 December in Busan, Republic of Korea. Taking this opportunity, this year’s camp encourages the participants to come up with innovative ideas and accelerated solutions to contribute to the resolution of the plastic pollution crisis.


Goals and Objectives

The objectives of the “2024 SDGs Youth Summer Camp” will include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Build and enhance knowledge of selected youth on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; 
  • Foster youth leadership skills with design-thinking, critical-thinking, and engagement through dialogues and exercises on successful plastic-related SDGs implementation;
  • Provide opportunities for networking among youth; and  
  • Expand the host institution’s partnership with youth leaders for the SDGs.



The “2024 SDGs Youth Summer Camp” will be held at the Global Green Growth Institute located in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 20 to 23 August. This year’s summer camp will focus on the plastic pollution crisis.

The programme will use the framework developed by UNEP describing the systems change required to end plastic pollution. Through this framework, participants will understand how to contribute to ending the plastic pollution crisis through reduce, reuse, recycle, reorient and diversify and managing the plastic pollution legacy. They will understand the policies and regulatory framework required for the shift, including the need to ensure a just transition. Through expert presentations, interactive sessions and group work, participants will develop ideas for policies to help end the plastic pollution crisis.

This will be achieved by taking the participants through a simulation of the development of proposals being solicited by an international donor. Participants will be divided into five groups – national government, local government, civil society and private sector (two groups, one representing a large business and the other small-medium enterprises) who will develop draft proposals based on their discussions and problems identified during the week.


Learning Outcomes

  • After taking part in the “2024 SDGs Youth Summer Camp”, students will be able to:
  • Communicate on the role of youth in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
  • Gain knowledge on the importance of plastics for SDGs achievement and its interlinkages with other SDGs;
  • Understand how to achieve the shift away from plastic pollution through policy and personal action; and
  • Develop their ideas alongside sustainable development experts.



Those who are born between 1996 and 2006 are eligible to apply regardless of their nationalities by submitting application forms and other required documents via online form. Proficiency in English is required for all participants. The participants must cover their own expenses for transportation to and from the venue (accommodation and meals provided by organizers). The organizers will select a maximum of 30 participants based on their motivation, capacities, and English proficiency while considering gender and geographical balance.


Programme and Structure

The organizers will invite experts and practitioners from international organizations, academia, government sector and the private sector to share their insights on SDGs and facilitate productive dialogues with the participants. The programme will be facilitated by sustainable development experts with deep knowledge in the plastics pollution crisis. Their knowledge, skills, and experiences will ensure the overall quality of the summer camp and motivate the participants to be fully engaged.

The sessions will include group work to allow active interaction among the participants and to share creative ideas on how to develop practical approaches to addressing the plastics pollution crisis. All sessions will be conducted in English.



This event will be organized by UNOSD and Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in collaboration with K-eco, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea.


Programme and Agenda

Day 1 (20 August)

Opening of the Forum

Opening Remarks

  • Mr. Kyungnam Shin, Assistant Director-General and Head of Investment and Policy Solutions, GGGI 
  • Mr. Chun Kyoo Park, Head, UN Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD), DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Chang Joo Lee, General Manager, International Cooperation Division, Korea Environment Corporation (K-eco)
  • Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea

Orientation and Overview

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 

Understanding Plastics

  • Prof. Yong-chul Jang, Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea

Overview of Waste Management: General Information and International Trends 

  • Mr. Chun Kyoo Park, Head of Office, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA

Policy Options for Solving the Plastic Pollution Problem

  • Ms. Annalis Wiramidjaja, Sustainable Development Specialist, GGGI

Reduce and Reuse  

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 

Reduce and Reuse: Case Study 

Introduction to the Simulation

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 

Using AI for Research and Idea Development 

  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI 

Using AI to Research and Brainstorm Ideas 

  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI 
  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA 

Day 1 Summary

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA


Day 2 (21 August)

Day 1 Recap and Energiser 

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 


Recycling: Reflection and Discussion 

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA 
  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI 

Recycling: Group Feedback

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA 
  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI  

Re-orient and Diversify

  • Ms. Bo Hae Na, Research Specialist, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI)
  • Mr. Sang Gwon Moon, CJ Cheil Jedang
  • Mr. Yorkie Sutaryo, GGGI 

Re-Orient and Diversify: Reflection and Discussion

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA 
  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI  

Re-Orient and Diversify: Group Feedback

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA 
  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI

Day 2 Summary

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 


Day 3 (22 August)

Day 2 Recap and Energiser 

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 

Plastic Pollution Legacy

  • Ms. Yuna Lee, International Cooperation Team Manager, Osean

Plastic Pollution Legacy: Reflection and Discussion

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI 
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA 

Plastic Pollution Legacy: Group Feedback

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI  
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA 

Simulation: Proposal Development

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 

Simulation: Initial Proposal Development

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI 
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA 

Day 3 Summary

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 


Day 4 (23 August)

Day 3 Recap and Energiser 

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 

Simulation: Proposal Review 

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI 
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA 

Simulation: Proposal Presentation Development

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI 
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA 

Simulation: Proposal Presentation

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 
  • Mr. Chun Kyoo Park, Head, UN Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD), DSDG, UNDESA  
  • Mr. Dukwoo Jun, Circular Economy Community of Practice Lead, GGGI 
  • Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, DSDG, UN DESA

Participant Presentation

Simulation: Proposal Development

  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 


  • Mr. Simon Gilby, Sustainable Development Officer, UNOSD, DSDG, UNDESA 

Closing Remarks

  • Ms. Myoungsil Han, Director, Environmental Education Team, Green Transition Policy Bureau, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea
  • Mr. Chun Kyoo Park, Head, UN Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD), DSDG, UNDESA