[2017] SDGs Summer Camp for College Students

星期一, 17 July 2017 - 10:00pm to 星期四, 20 July 2017 - 3:00am


Since the adoption of SDGs, the Korean Government requested UNOSD’s support in raising awareness for the SDGs. Specifically, there was a request for developing partnership activities for the young generation in collaboration with Yonsei University at the 2016 Steering Committee of UNOSD. The more the youth understand the content and the complexities of SDGs, the better they will be able to promote sustainable development as global citizens. Consequently, this summer camp will focus on how these goals touch upon the three dimensions of development -economic, social and environmental, and how each student’s interest fits with one or more of these goals.

With this backdrop, this year’s SDGs summer camp for college students will be hosted by UNOSD in collaboration with Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea (ROK), Yonsei University and Incheon National University. The summer camp is designed to promote SDGs awareness and global citizenship among the youth of ROK  by providing the platform to learn and share ideas and experiences about the SDGs, and to promote their engagement in SDGs dialogues reflecting on the current Korean circumstances. 



Concept Note



Formal Opening

Opening  Remarks

  • Mr. Dongjin Kim (Mayor, Tongyeong city)
  • Ms. Eunhae Jeong (Senior Development Management Expert, UNOSD)
  • Ms. Meehyun Chung (Professor, Yonsei University)
  • Mr. Michael Manning (Visiting Professor, Incheon National University)
  • Ms. Guihye Lee (Executive Director, RCE Tongyeong) 


Day 1 (July 17, 2017)

Session 1: Overview of Progress towards the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs and the current status of SDGs’ implementation


Session 2: Towards Global Sustainable Development and the Role of the Youth Community


Day 2 (July 18, 2017)

Session 3: Thematic presentations (Goal  6 and Goal 8) and discussion 


Day 3 (July 19, 2017)

Session 4: Group Presentations & Discussions - The Role and Action Plans of Youth Community in Implementing SDGs in the Republic of Korea 


Formal Closing

Ms. Eunhae Jeong (Senior Development Management Expert, UNOSD) 



You can find summer camp pictures here.