[2017] NAP EXPO & NAP Regional Training Workshop on Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in Water Resource Sector

понедельник, 11 September 2017 - 10:00pm to воскресенье, 17 September 2017 - 6:00am

<NAP Expo>




Formal Opening

Session 1: Opening and introduction

  • Byeong-ok Ahn (Vice Minister of Environment, Republic of Korea)
  • Kwang Kook Park (President of Korea Environment Institute (KEI))
  • Youssef Nassef (Director, Adaptation Programme, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC))
  • Mozaharul Alam (Regional Climate Change Coordinator, United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment))
  • Thomasz Chruszczow (Chair, Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), UNFCCC)
  • Abias Huongo (Chair, LDC Expert Group (LEG), UNFCCC)
  • "Regional NAP Expo" - Howard Bamsey (Executive Director, Green Climate Fund (GCF))

Keynote speaker:


Day 1 (September 11, 2017)

Session 2: The state of climate change and adaptation in Asia

Moderator: Youssef Nassef, UNFCCC


Case example:


Session 3: Systems and adaptation solutions

Session 3a: Agriculture and fisheries

Moderator: "NAP for agriculture and fisheries-The role of NAPs in achieving adaptation priorities for agriculture and fisheries sectors" - Beau Damen (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

Case Examples: 

  • Philippines - Reichelle Celorico 
  • Thailand - Akarapon Houbcharaun (Economist, Office of Agricultural Economics Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives)
  • Vietnam - Tran Dại Nghia


Session 3b: Water and health


Case Examples:

  • Yemen
  • Bhutan - Phuntsho Wangdi 


Session 3c: Cities and settlements


Case Example:


Day 2 (September 12, 2017)

Session 4: The National Adapation Plan

Moderator: Abias Huongo (Chair of the LEG, UNFCCC)



Session 5: Financing the formulation and implementation of NAPs

Moderator: Sonam Lhaden Khandu (Vice-chair of LEG, UNFCCC)



Session 6: Building blocks of a good NAP

Session 6a:Supporting assessments for the process to formulate and implement NAPs



Session 6b: Appraising and prioritizing adaptation options



Session 6c: Examples of the process and results monitoring relating to the process to formulate and implement NAPs



Formal Closing

Session 7: Closing

Farewell/ Closing remarks

Changhoon Lee (Vice-president, Korea Environment Institute)




<NAP Regional Training Workshop for Asia>


Concept Note 



Formal Opening

Opening Remarks

  • Armand Houanye (GWP/UNITAR)
  • Dr. Jongsoo Yoon, (Head of UNOSD)
  • Mozaharul Alam, (UNEP & NAPGSP)
  • Young-hoon Kim, (Director General of Climate and Future Policy Bureau)
  • Sarwat Chowdhury, (UNDP Seoul Policy Center)


Day 1 (September 13, 2017)

Session 1: Understanding climate change and the international context


Exercise - Session 1: National prorities and mentor matching


Session 2: Climate and hydrological information and services


  • "Climate Information & Services, Climate info in adaptation planning, use of climate info in flood/droughtrisk evaluations" - Amir Delju (WMO)
  • "Hydrological information and services" - Hwirin Kim (Han River Flood Control Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Korea)

Exercise - Session 2:


Day 2 (September 14, 2017)

Session 3: Scenario-building and vulnerability assessments for decision making


Exercise - Session 3: Vulnerability assessment/ matrix for Country X


Session 4: Stakeholder participation, institutional arrangement and partnerships


Exercise - Session 4: Stakeholder engagement


Session 5: Cross-sectoral linkages 


Exercise - Session 5: Analytical tool exercise on how climate change impacts sectors


Day 3 (September 15, 2017)

Session 6a: CCA in water resource management


Country Case Studies


Session 6b: Mainstreaming CCA in water resource management


Exercise - Session 6b: Water security and IWRM


Day 4 (September 16, 2017)

Session 7: Interactive workshop


Formal Closing 

Workshop wrap-up

Heesun Choi (Director, KACCC)



Substantive Report

Participant List 



You may find workshop photos here.