[2015] Sustainable Development Transition Forum

Tuesday, 17 November 2015 - to Thursday, 19 November 2015
The 2015 SDTF will convene representatives from national governments, UN Agencies, and experts
who are responsible for integrating the 2030 Agenda and SDGs into national plans and planning
In view of the above context and needs, the overall objective of the SDTF is to convene government
officials, UN Agencies and experts from around the world to discuss guidance on mainstreaming the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and SDGs into national and sub-national development
plans. The SDTF will meet this objective by convening three parallel workshops as outlined below
and through the facilitation of combined opening and closing sessions designed to share critical
insights across the three parallel workshops.
1. International Workshop on Guidance for Implementing The 2030 Agenda and SDGs Organized by the UNOSD together with the UN Development Programme and the Asia-Europe Foundation
2. Inter-Regional Experience Sharing and Training Workshop for Mainstreaming the 2030 Agenda into National Strategies Organized by UNDESA-DSD together with the UNOSD
3. Workshop on Capacity Development for Mainstreaming Energy SDGs, Targets and Indicators into Statistical Programmes in Asian Countries Organized by UNDESA-DSD together with the UNOSD
Formal Opening
Welcome Statement and Opening Remarks
- Mr. SungSoo Jun (Vice-Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan City)
- Mr. JongSoo Yoon (Head of the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA))
"2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: towards universality, integration and coherence"- David O’Connor (UNDESA)
"Delivering Together: UN Development System Support to Implement Agenda 2030" - Pedro Conceicao (UNDP’s Strategic Policy Unit)
<Workshop 1:
International Workshop on Guidance for Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development >
Day 1
Opening Session
- "Objectives of Workshop"- Nicole Igloi (UNDP in New York)
Session 1: Raising Public Awareness
- "Mainstreaming Reference Guide: Raising Public Awareness" - Nicole Igloi (UNDP in New York)
Session 2: Applying Multi-stakeholder Approaches
- "Applying Multi-Stakeholders Approach In Planning Process in Mozambique"
- "Mainstreaming Reference Guide: Applying Multi-stakeholder Approaches"- Elena Proden (UNDG)
- "Multi-Stakeholder Participation in the Pursuit of SDGs"- Ella S.Antonio (Earth Council Asia-Pacific, lnc.)
Day 2
Session 3: Reviewing National Plans and Adapting to National Contexts
- "Development plans of Viet Nam: Achievements, challenges and orientation to successful SDGs" - Prof. Dr. Nguyen The Chinh (General Director of ISPONRE-Vietnam)
- "Mainstreaming Reference Guide: 3. Reviewing Existing Development Plans and Tailoring SDGs to National Contexts" - Nathalie Milbach Bouché (Regional Team Leader, Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development, UNDP, Amman Hub)
- "International Workshop on Guidance for Implementing the 2030 Agenda and SDGs. Session on Tailoring SDGs to National Contexts. The German Case."- Gü nther Bachmann (German Council for Sustainable Development)
- "Tailoring SDGs to National Contexts"- Grazyna Pulawska (Asia-Europe Foundation)
Session 4: Creating Horizontal and Vertical Policy Coherence
- "International Workshop on Guidance for Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development"- Simon Holson
- "Creating Horizontal and Vertical policy coherence: Bhutan’s Experience"- Tshering Wangmo (GNH Commission Secretariat, Bhutan)
- "Mainstreaming Reference Guide: Creating Horizontal and Vertical Policy Coherence"- UNDG
Session 5: Budgeting for the Future
- "Who will pay for the Sustainable Development Goals? Addressing Development Challenges in ASEM Countries"- An Output of the Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum)
- "Budgeting for Future: Country Case of Cambodia"- H.E. Paris Chuop (PhD, Deputy Secretary General, National Council for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment, Kingdom of Cambodia)
Session 6: Monitoring, Reporting and Accountability
- "Mainstreaming Reference Guide: Monitoring, Reporting and Accountability"- Eunkyung Jang (UNDG)
- "Mainstreaming Reference Guide: Monitoring, Reporting and Accountability."- Sheila Mamie (UNDG)
- "Monitoring, Reporting and Accountability in National Development Planning: Jamaica’s Experience"- Peisha Bryan Lee (VISION 2030 JAMAICA SECRETARIAT, PLANNING INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA)
- "Monitoring, Reporting and Accountability of the SDGs: The Philippine Experience"- Estela T. De Guzman (Deputy National Statistician, Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA))
Day 3
Session 7: Assessing Risk and Fostering Adaptability
- "China’s Climate Change Adaptation Policies: Status quo, Problems and Recommendations"- Shaofeng Chen (Institute of Policy and Management Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- "Reference Guide: Assessing Risk and Fostering Adaptability"- Darren Swanson
- "Assessing Risk and Fostering Adaptability"-Frank Thomalla (PhD, Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI Asia Centre, Bangkok, Thailand)
Session 8: Key Challenges, Lessons Learned and Way Forward
- "MDBs roles in motion"- Mohammad R Yusoff (Financing for Development - Via Multilateral Development Banks, MDBs)
- "Middle East and Central Asia Workshop on National Development Strategies and Plans"- Zafar Khotamov (IDBG)
- "Overview of UNESCAP Meeting on a Roadmap for Implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Asia-Pacific Region"- Riccardo Mesiano (EDD, ESCAP)
Closing Session
- "Synthesis Presentation Workshop 1 SDTF 2015"- United Nations Development Group (UNDG)
<Workshop 2:
Inter-Regional Experience Sharing and Training Workshop for Mainstreaming the 2030 Agenda into National Strategies >
Day 1
Opening Session
- "Objectives of Workshop"- Seleshi Bekele Awulachew (UNDSA/DSD)
Session 1: Mainstreaming Sustainable Development at National Level: Country Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges
- "Embracing Agenda 2030:Uganda’s NDPII Experience"- John B. Ssekamatte-Ssebuliba (Ph. D, National Planning Authority, Uganda)
- "Linkage of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda with the National Planning System-Honduras"- Gobiemo De Honduras
"Mainstreaming SDGs at National Level The German Case"- Gü nther Bachmann (German Council for Sustainable Development)
"Mainstreaming Sustainable Development at National Level: Belize Experience, Opportunities and Challenges"- Wiezsman Pat (Director, Sustainable Development Unit)
"Mainstreaming SD at the National Level: The Ethiopian Experience"- Tadele Ferede (PhD, Department of Economics, Addis Ababa University)
"Vietnam Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges"-Nguyen Le Thuy (Deputy Director General, Sustainable Development Office, Ministry of Planning and Investment)
"Republic of Korea Case Study"- BeomSik Yoo (National Institute of Environmental Research, Ministry of Environment)
"The path from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals and its linkage with the National Development Plans: Costa Rica"- Nancy M Espinoza(Ministerio de Planificacion Nacional)
"La Planification et les Objectifs de Development Durables au Togo: Historique et Perspectives"- Gervais T. Meatchi (Directeur de la Planification et des Politiques de Développement, Point focal national des ODD au Togo)
Day 2
Session 2: Integrated Approach for Sustainable Development Planning & Implementation
- "Integrating the 3D of SD: Toolbox Proposal"-Francois Fortier (Ph.D., Inter-regional Adviser on Sustainable Development Policy and Planning, United Nations)
- "SD Integration and Nexus Approach"- UNDESA
Session 3: Monitoring and Reporting
- "Introduction to Results-Based Management, Monitoring and Evaluation"- Nicolas Tremblay (Inter-Regional Adviser)
- "Mapping Data and Information Systems Availability Against the SDGs"-Imelda Atai Musana (Uganda Bureau of Statistics)
- "Presidential Results Based Management System"- Norma Garcia (Gobierno de la Republica de Honduras)
Session 4: Preparing for the National Reviews in 2016
- "Belize's Preparation for the National Review in 2016-Institutional Architecture" - Carlos Pol (Ministry of Economic Development, Petroleum, Investment, Trade & Commerce)
- "The Ethiopian New Institutional Framework"-Habtamu Getachew
- "SDG Reviews to the HLFP"- Francois Fortier (Ph.D., Inter-regional Adviser on Sustainable Development Policy and Planning, United Nations)
- "Vietnam Institutional Framework for Reviews" - Nguyen Le Thuy (Deputy Director General, Sustainable Development Office, Ministry of Planning and Investment)
Session 5: Means of Implementation: Capacity Development, Financing and Technology Transfer
- "Technology Facilitation Mechanism"-Jeffrey Crawford (Programme Officer, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs)
- "The Addis Abba Action Agenda and Financing for Development"- Seleshi.B.Awulachew (Inter-Regional Advisor on National Sustainable Development Strategies, Water,Energy and Capacity Building Branch Division for Sustainable Development, UN-DESA, United Nations) & Sarabeth Brockley (Water, Energy and Capacity Building Branch, Division for Sustainable Development, UN-DESA, United Nations)
Day 3
Session 6: Discussion on Implementation of Sustainable Development at National Level (ISDN) and way forward
- "Implementation of Sustainable Development at National Level (ISDN)"- Seleshi.B.Awulachew (UNDESA)
Closing Session
- "Synthesis Presentation" - Nicolas Tremblay (Inter-Regional Adviser on Sustainable Development, Division for Sustainable Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA))
<Workshop 3:
Workshop on Capacity Development for Mainstreaming Energy SDGs, Targets and Indicators into Statistical Programmes in Asian Countries >
Day 1
Opening Session
- "Objectives of Workshop"- Ivan Vera (UN-Energy Secretary, Division for Sustainable Development, United Nations)
Session 1
- "Asia-Pacific Energy Portal-Indicators"- Hongpeng Liu
- "Energy Data and Analysis in APEC"-Masazumi Hirono (Head, Energy Statistics & Training Office, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre)
- "Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development"- Kathlen Abdalla
Session 2:
Session 3:
Session 4:
Session 5: