UNOSD joins the Heightened Social Distancing Campaign Guidance


UNOSD joins heightened social distancing campaign guidance



Ways to practice Social Distancing and be READY for Coronavirus

  • Postpone or Cancel (meetings, gatherings, trips, etc.)
  • Do not go to work (if you have fever, cough or other symptoms)
  • Refrain from going outdoors (except for essential needs)
  • Stay at least 2 meters away from others (avoid physical contacts such as hand-shakes and hugs)
  • Follow personal hygiene recommendation (washing hands, cough etiquette, etc.)
  • Disinfect and ventilate your living area everyday (home, office, etc.)


* Please practice the above for 15 days (22 March - 5 April 2020) and stay home as much as possible


For the latest and up-to-date information on COVID-19, please refer to the below listed Korean authorities’ websites: