[2020] The SDG 6 Policy Support System (SDG-PSS): Facilitating Water-related Sustainable Development for Latin America and the Caribbean

The United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), is organizing a workshop on “The SDG 6 Policy Support System (SDG-PSS): Facilitating Water-related Sustainable Development for Latin America and the Caribbean” in San Jose, Costa Rica from 4-5 March, 2020. The workshop is convened by UNOSD, the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Costa Rica, and the Government of Costa Rica, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea and the Korea Environment Corporation (K-eco). This workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean is expected to enhance national capacities by showcasing ways of utilising SDG-PSS as a tool to empower government officials and water experts in designing policies for achieving SDG 6 targets in the region. During the workshop, sessions and discussions will be organized for project champions to present and share their experiences and lessons learned from the first phase of the SDG-PSS. Countries will also explore regional progress on SDG 6, monitoring gaps and interlinkages, trade-offs and co-benefits between SDG 6 and other goals.
UNOSD is a technical arm of the Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DSDG/UN DESA) with the purpose of advancing sustainable development through knowledge management, policy research, and capacity development. This workshop specifically targets government officials and practitioners such as policymakers or implementers involved in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, through their daily work, where capacity development for the accelerated implementation of SDG 6 aims to “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” is particularly needed.
Water professionals, experts and policymakers from 11 regional countries comprising 53 participants will discuss the SDG-PSS (available online in multiple languages http://sdgpss.net/en/) and how it can be used to produce critical evidence for advancing SDG 6 and its interlinkages across the 2030 Agenda. Prior to the workshop, participants will take part in an online course designed by the partners to ensure critical and applied thinking during the workshop. Participating institutions include the UN Development Programme, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN ECLAC), UN-WATER and more.
Concept Note (Updated as of 28 February 2020)
Agenda (ENG), (ESP) (Updated as of 28 February 2020)
Formal Opening
Moderator: Mr. Adrian Moreira (Ministerio de Planificacion Nacional y Politica Ecomonica)
- Ms. Haydee Rodrigues Romero (Deputy Minister of Environment of Republic of Costa Rica)
- Ms. Alice H Shackelford (United Nations Resident Coordinator in Costa Rica)
- Ms. Eunhae Jeong (Senior Sustainable Development Expers, UNOSD)_Video message
- Ms, Jiyeon Kang (Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea)_Video message
- Mr. Valdimir Smakhtin (United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health)
Day 1 (Mar 4, 2020)
Session 1: Global efforts in monitoring SDG 6
Moderator: Mr. Hugo Murilo Castro (MIDEPLAN)
Session 2: Status of SDG 6 achievement in the LAC region
Moderator: Ms. Natalia Meza Ramirez (United Nations Development Programme)
- Ms. Marina Gil Sevilla (Water and Energy Unit, Natural Resources Divison) -
- "Caribbean Progress toward SDG6-Efforts of the CWWA" - Ms. Sara-Jade Govia (Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association)
Session 3: Experience and Status of SDG 6 achievement in Costa Rica
Moderator: Ms. Giulia Clerici (International consultant, UNOSD)
- Mr. Carlos Von Marschall (MIDEPLAN) and Ms. Vivian Gonzalez (Ministerio de Ambiente y Energia)
- "Lecciones aprendidas de proyectos ejecutados por PNUD y retos a futuro" - Ms. Natalia Meza Ramirez (UNDP)
Session 4: SDG 6 as a driver for 2030 Agenda
Facilitator: Ms. Sara Castro-Hallgren (UNOSD)_Video presentation; Ms, Giulia Clerici (International consultant, UNOSD); Mr. Guillaume Baggio (UNU-INWEH)
- Ms. Natalia Meza Ramirez (UNDP)
- "Ejercicio interactivo El ODS 6 como motor de la Agenda 2030: Las metas del ODS 6 y sus interrelaciones" - Ms. Sara Castro-Hallgren (UNOSD)
Day 2 (Mar 5, 2020)
Session 5: Using SDG-PSS to support evidence-based policymaking for SDG 6
Moderator: Mr. Manzoor Qadir (UNU-INWEH)
- "SDG 6 Policy Support System: a tool for producing critical evidence on SDG 6" - Mr. Guillaume Baggio (UNU-INWEH) and Ms. Eunhae Jeong (UNOSD)
Session 6: Implementation and Use of SDG-PSS in regional hub countries
Moderator: Ms. Karen Araya Varela (UNDP)
- "Policy Support System en Costa Rica" - (Costa Rica) Ms. Vivian Gonzalez (MINAE)
- "Using SDG-PSS in Korea: Lessons learned and future works" - (Republic of Korea) Mr. Hannah Jeong, (Korea Environment Corporation) _ Video presentation
Session 7: Feedback on SDG-PSS from participating countries from the region
Moderator: Mr. Vladimir Smakhtin (UNU-INWEH)
- Brazil
- Colombia
- Chile
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Mexico
- Panama
- Paraguay
- St Kitts and Nevis
- Trinidad and Tobago
Session 8: Building regional cooperation around SDG 6 and SDG-PSS
Moderator: Mr. Manzoor Qadir (UNU-INWEH)
Formal Closing
Moderator: Ms. Giulia Clerici (International Consultant, UNOSD)
- Ms. Yamileth Astorga (Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts)
- Mr. Vladimir Smakhtin (UNU-INWEH)
List of Participants (Updated as of 13 March, 2020)
You may find the SDG 6 Policy Support System Workshop pictures here.