[2023] From Lisbon to Nice: Implementing SDG 14 with the Communities of Ocean Action

CONCEPT NOTE (updated as of 7 November 2023)
AGENDA (updated as of 17 November 2023)
The 2022 United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development (The 2022 UN Ocean Conference) co-hosted by Kenya and Portugal is another significant milestone of global ocean action since the first UN Ocean Conference in 2017. It successfully scaled up ocean action based on science and innovation and facilitated new partnerships and solutions for the implementation of SDG14. Over 700 voluntary commitments (VC) for concrete action to advance implementation of SDG 14 were made before and during the Conference by Member States, the UN system, and an array of stakeholders including civil society, the private sector and academia. Billions of dollars were pledged by philanthropic organizations and regional development banks to address the deterioration of ocean health and sustainable use of marine resources. To date, there are 2786 ocean VCs in the online registry (SDG Actions Platform https://sdgs.un.org/partnerships) managed by UNDESA, making SDG14 the most registered goal among the 17 SDGs.
However, to get the SDG14 implementation back on track, it is of paramount importance to effectively translate the commitments made into tangible actions. In this regard, the Communities of Ocean Action (COAs), which were established following the 2017 UN Ocean Conference, have a vital role to play in facilitating the implementation of VCs. Deeper collaboration is needed among COAs and relevant partners to effectively identify key challenges and develop innovative approaches to support the implementation, such as connecting available resources with commendable initiatives. This collaborative effort will strengthen the collective resolve to overcome obstacles and maximize the positive outcomes of the ocean commitments, paving the way to the 3rd UN Ocean Conference to be held in June 2025 in Nice cohosted by France and Costa Rica.
The 2022 Conference also adopted an intergovernmentally negotiated political declaration titled “Our Ocean, Our Future, Our Responsibility” which recognized the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and plastic waste on ocean health, ocean based economy and coastal communities. It also called for, among others, strengthened cooperation in data collection and dissemination and making data widely accessible through open access databases in particular for developing countries. To this end, UNDESA in collaboration with a consultant prepared a Mapping Report on Existing Ocean Databases analyzing available and accessible databases related to each SDG14 target.
This workshop will focus on the follow-up of these two key outcomes of 2022 UN Ocean Conference, to share the key findings of the ocean database report and to have an in-depth discussion with the COAs and representatives of commitment holders on how to implement the VCs registered at Lisbon Conference and mobilize more impactful commitments for the 2025 Nice Conference.
Forum Objectives
- To bring government representatives/policy makers/practitioners from developing countries to enhance their capacity of ocean data access and collection including traditional knowledge, data sharing and utilization in their decision making and to better monitor and measure the progress of implementation of SDG14.
- To bring together the focal points of the nine Communities of Ocean Action and some key holders of Ocean Commitments to assess the voluntary commitments of the 2022 Conference and identify how to support the implementation of those VCs particularly in developing countries.
- To get an update on the implementation of the VCs by each COA by stock-taking of progress and identify gaps and challenges as well as to share best practice and lessons.
- Maintain the momentum on ocean action ahead of the upcoming 3rd UNOC in 2025 and brainstorm innovative ways to mobilize more commitments of high impacts.
The 2-day workshop will have a high-level opening session on Day 1 which will include remarks from Mr. Li Junhua, Under Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, representative from the co-hosts of the 2022 UN Ocean Conference, Portugal/ Kenya; the Special Envoy for the Ocean, H.E. Ambassador Peter Thomson; senior officials from ROK as well as representative of COAs. The open session will be followed by a presentation on the Ocean database mapping report and interactive dialogues and Q&A. Day 2 will feature panel discussions, update of the work on each COAs by respective co-focal points and a closing session.
Dates and Time
The Forum will take place from 14 to 15 November 2023 in Incheon, the Republic of Korea at Oakwood Premier Hotel
Programme and Agenda
Day 1 (14 November 2023)
Opening of the Forum
Master of Ceremony: Ms. Madhushree Chatterjee, Chief of Natural Resources and Interlinkages Branch, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UNDESA
Welcome Remarks:
- Mr. Chun Kyoo Park, Head of Office, United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD)
Congratulatory Remarks:
Opening Remarks:
- Ambassador Njambi Kayunga, Deputy Permanent Representative of Kenya to the United Nations, co-host of the 2022 UN Ocean Conference
- Mr. Li Junhua, Under Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs; (video message)
- Dr. Filimon Manoni, the Pacific Ocean Commissioner (on-line)
SESSION I: From Lisbon to Nice - Follow-up on the 2022 UN Ocean Conference and gearing-up towards the 2025 UN Ocean Conference
The Lisbon Conference: Stocktaking and Implementation
Master of Ceremony: Ms. Xin Feng, Sustainable Development Officer, Natural Resources and Inter-linkages Branch, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN DESA
- Ambassador Njambi Kinyungu, Deputy Permanent Representative of Kenya to the UN
- Mr. Sergio Carvalho, Counselor, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations
- Dr. Marjo Vierros, Director, Coastal Policy and Humanities Research
- Ms. Madhushree Chatterjee, Chief of Natural Resources and Interlinkages Branch, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UNDESA
The Nice Conference: Vision and the Way Forward
- Ms. Aurelia Daly, Political Advisor, French Embassy in Seoul
SESSION II: Data for Ocean and Implementation of SDG-14
Moderator: Ms. Madhushree Chatterjee, Chief of Natural Resources and Interlinkages Branch, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN DESA
"Mapping Report on Existing Ocean Databases"
- Prof. Yu Rencheng, Marine Biologist, Chinese Academy of Science
Review and Sharing of Best Practice and Lessons Learned on Access and Collection of Ocean Data
Country Representatives
- Ms. Ahreum Jang, Research specialist, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST)
- Ms. Mere Koroivosa, Data Management Assistant, Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner
UN System & Academia
- Mr. Maximilien Pardo Y Fernandez, Inter-Regional Adviser for SIDS, UNDESA and UNOSD on Caribbean SIDS-SIDS peer-learning and cooperation on data solutions for nature
- Mr. Teerapong Praphotjanaporn, Statistician, Statistics Division, UNESCAP
- Mr. Yoshinobu Takei, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Keio University
- Mr. Niccolo Bassan, Science Officer at Marine Policy and Regional Coordination Section, IOC-UNESCO
Day 2 (15 November 2023)
SESSION III: Implementing SDG-14 and Ocean Commitments with the Communities of Ocean Action: Experiences and Lessons
Moderator: Ms. Xin Feng, Sustainable Development Officer, Natural Resources and Inter-linkages Branch, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN DESA
COAs on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Management, Mangroves and Coral Reefs
- Introductory remarks from Co-focal points and sherpas
- Ms. Margaux Monfared, International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Secretariat (COA Coral Reef)
- Ms. Bui Thi Thu Hien, Program Coordinator of Marine and Coastal Resources, IUCN Vietnam Office (COA Mangroves)
- Presentation on the Implementation of the VCs by VC holder
- Mr. Maximilien Pardo Y Fernandez, Inter-Regional Adviser for SIDS, UNDESA on SIDS Ecosystem Restoration Flagship (SERF)
- Ms. Lena Kern, Senior Marine Ecosystems Management Specialist, Green Climate Fund (GCF)
- Mr. Antonio Gutierrez, Investment Associate, New Ventures – MAR+Invest
- Mr. Inilek Wilmot, Board member, The Oracabessa Marine Trust
COAs on Ocean Acidification, Marine Pollution and Implementation of International Law as Reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
- Introductory remarks from Co-focal points and sherpas
- Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares, Under-Secretary-General and United Nations Legal Counsel, (COA UNCLOS and Video Presentation on BBNJ)
- Mr. Niccolo Bassan, Science Officer at Marine Policy and Regional Coordination Section, IOC-UNESCO (COA
- Presentation on the Implementation of the VCs by VC holder
- Ms. Cindy Wenwen Peng, Vice President, InResST™ (company producing materials from recycled plastics from ocean) on The Ocean Cleaner #OceanAction54024
- Mr. Sergio Carvalho, Counselor, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations on Member State's Perspective on BBNJ
Expert Voices: Overall Analysis of Ocean Commitments and How to Translate VC into Tangible Actions
- Dr. Marjo Vierros, Director, Coastal Policy and Humanities Research
- Dr. Yoshinobu Takei, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Keio University
- Ms. Vairoa Ika Guldman, Ingeniera en Recursos Naturales Renovables, Universidad de Chile
COAs on Sustainable Fisheries, Sustainable Blue Economy and Scientific Knowledge, Research, Capacity Development and Transfer of Marine Technology
- Introductory remarks from Co-focal points and sherpas
- Ms. Madhushree Chatterjee, Chief of Natural Resources and Interlinkages Branch, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UNDESA (COA Sustainable Blue Economy)
- Mr. Niccolo Bassan, Science Officer at Marine Policy and Regional Coordination Section, IOC-UNESCO (COA Science and Technology)
- Ms. Nara Lee, Assistant FAO Representative, Programme, Republic of Korea (COA Sustainable Fisheries)
- Presentation on the Implementation of the VCs by VC holder
- Ms. Gisel Maritza Correa, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Blue Economy Unit, Ministry of Blue Economy & Civil Aviation of Belize on Belize Model for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries Management #OceanAction41264
- Mr. Somboon Siriraksophon, SEAFDEC project Unit, Thailand on SEAFDEC Initiatives toward Sustainable Development of Fisheries in ASEAN Region #OceanAction42105
- Mr. Sven Biermann, Executive Director of the FiTI International Secretariat on Advancing Government Transparency in Marine Fisheries Management, Fisheries Transparency Initiative #OceanAction46529
- Mr. Md Jobaidul Alam, Bangladesh Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Ministry of Foreign Affairs on National Plan of Action for Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing #OceanAction47024
- Dr. Davies Makilla, Deputy Director Fisheries and Blue Economy, State Department of Fisheries and Blue Economy
Key Takeaways from academic points of view
Closing of the Forum
- Video message from Ambassador Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Special Envoy of the French President for the third UN Ocean Conference
- Video message from H.E. Ambassador Georgina Guillén, Director General of Foreign Policy from Costa Rica
- Video message from Ambassador Peter Thomson, Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean
- Ms. Madhushree Chatterjee, Chief of Natural Resources and Inter-linkages Branch, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UNDESA