[2017] Vientiane International Mayors Forum

Formal Opening (Official Opening Ceremony of the 10th Regional EST Forum in Asia)
Welcome Remark
Hon. Mr. Keophilavanh Aphaylath (Vientiane Vice Mayor, Lao People's Democratic Republic)
Opening Address
- Ms. Chikako Takase (Director, United Nations Centre for Regional Development)
- Dr. Madan B. Regmi (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)
- Dr. Jong Soo Yoon (Head, United Nations Office for Sustainable Development)
- Mr. Hiroaki Takiguchi (Director, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
- H.E. Dr. Bounchanh Sinthavong (Minister of Public Works and Transport, Lao People's Democratic Republic)
Keynote Address
Mr. Bambang Susantono (Vice-President, Asian Development Bank)
Address by Guest of Honour
H.E. Mr. Somdy Douangdy (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Lao People's Democratic Republic)
Day 2 (March 15, 2017)- 1st day of Vientiane International Mayors Forum
Session 1: Policies for Achieving Smart, Resilient and Low Carbon Cities
Session Chair: H.E. Mr. Ramesh Lekhak (Minister, Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal)
Facilitator / Moderator: Dr. Ralph D. Wahnschafft (Senior Advisor on Sustainable Development, Sustainable Energy and Transport Expert, Germany)
Background Presentations:
- "Outcome of HABITAT III ~ Policy Insights to Sustainable Urban Transport in Achieving Smart, Resilient and Low Carbon Cities" - Dr. Avi Sarkar (Chief Technical Advisor, MEK-WATSAN and WAC - South East Asia Region, UN HABITAT)
- "Case Study on Bhutan LRT System ~ Outcome of the Pre- feasibility Study" - Hon. Mr. Karma Wangchuk Penjor (Secretary, MOIC, the Government of Bhutan) & Mr. Julien Gaudremeau (Director, Rail Concepts, France) & Dr. Charlie Hargroves (Director, Strategic Transitions Group, Australia)
- "New Energy Development in Low-Carbon City" - Mr. Haifeng Lu (Secretary General, Global Forum on Human Settlements, People's Republic of China)
- "Challenges and Opportunities in Turning our Cities into Smart Cities - Case of 100 Smart Cities Mission of India" - Mr. Mukund Kumar Sinha (Joint Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, the Government of India)
- "Implementation of Renewable Energy Projects" - Dr. Sermkham Thoummavongsa (Deputy Director General, Institute of Renewable Energy Promotion, Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Government of Lao People's Democratic Republic)
Session 2: Integrated Planning for Sustainable Urban Development – Localizing the SDGs, Addressing the New Urban Agenda
Facilitator / Moderator: Ms. Birgitte Bryld (Senior Economic Affairs Officer, Division for Sustainable Development, UN DESA)
- "Integrated Planning for Sustainable Urban Development : Localizing the SDGs, Addressing the New Urban Agenda" - Dr. Sandra Ruckstuhl (Program Manager, Sustainable Development Solutions Network)
- "Who is the Winner in 2030" - Mr. Chen Huazhen (Deputy Secretary General, Zhanjiang People's Municipal Government, People's Republic of China) & Mr. Xiang Li (Executive Director, SUC Programme Management Center, People's Republic of China)
- Hon. Mr. Wasim Akhtar Khan (Mayor, Karachi Metropolitan Corporation, Pakistan)
Session 3: Public Participation in Urban Planning and Development
Facilitator / Moderator: Prof. Marie Thynell (Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
- "Public Participation in Urban Planning and Development" - Hon. Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif (Mayor of Seberang Perai, Malaysia)
- "Public Participation on Urban Planning and Development" - Hon. Mr. Mohamed Hilmy (Mayor, Matale Municipal Council, Sri Lanka)
- "Public Participation in Urban Planning - Case of Lilongwe, Malawi" - Hon. Mr. Desmond Bikoko (Mayor, Lilongwe, Malawi)
Session 4: Financing for SDG 11
Facilitator / Moderator: Mr. Arturo Ardila-Gomez (Global Lead Urban Mobility and Lead Transport Economist, World Bank)
- "Sustainable Financing for SDG 11.2 - Based on : Sustainable Urban Transport Financing from the Sidewalk to the Subway" - Mr. Arturo Ardila-Gomez (Global Lead Urban Mobility and Lead Transport Economist, World Bank)
- "Financing for SDG 11-Building an Inclusive, Safe, Resilient & Sustainable City through Public Private Partnership (PPP) - Kuching City South Perspective" - Hon. Mr. Dato James Chan Khay Syn (Mayor, Kuching City South Council, Malaysia)
- Mr. Martin Moyo (Bulawayo City, Zimbabwe)
Session 5: Conservation of Urban Cultural and Natural Heritage and Historic Urban Landscapes, Provision of Recreational “Green” and Other Urban Public Spaces
Facilitator / Moderator: "Conservation of cultural and natural heritage and historic urban landscapes and provision of recreational "green" and other public spaces: Technical session conclusion and recommendations" - Dr. Ralph D. Wahnschafft (Senior Advisor on Sustainable Development, Sustainable Energy and Transport Expert, Germany)
- "Ecomobility, lever of Urban Innovation" - Dr. Jae Joon Lee (the Former Vice Mayor, Suwon City, Republic of Korea)
- "Creating Capitals as Livable Cities" - Hon. Mr. Keophilavanh Aphaylath (Vientiane Vice Mayor, Lao People's Democratic Republic)
- "Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation of Historical Center and Urban Landscape Cuenca, Ecuador" - Mr. Pablo Hernando Barzallo Alvarado (Director of Heritage Building and Site Conservation Programme, Cuenca, Ecuador)
Session 6: Making Our Cities More Resilience - Implementation of Sendai Framework, Integrating DRR in Urban Planning, Addressing Climate Change Impacts, etc.
Facilitator / Moderator: Mr. Ian Rector (Representative of International Recovery Platform/Senior Infrastructure and Resilience Advisor, Asia Region, United Nations Office for Project Services)
- "International Recovery Platform" - Mr. Ian Rector (Representative of International Recovery Platform/ Senior Infrastructure and Resilience Advisor, Asia Region, United Nations Office for Project Services)
- "Towards Resilient City: Tangerang LIVE Initiative due to Disaster Risk Reduction" - Mr. Dadi Budaeri (Regional Secretary, Tangerang Municipality, Indonesia)
Formal Closing
Closing Remarks
- Ms. Chikako Takase (Director, United Nations Centre for Regional Development)
- Dr. Madan B. Regmi (Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)
- Dr. Jong Soo Yoon (Head, United Nations Office for Sustainable Development)
- H.E. Dr. Bounchanh Sinthavong (Minister of Public Works and Transport, Lao People's Democratic Republic)